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All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Fur Trade.

Do you have fur coat? Do you want to know what it is made of? Do you wonder how it is made of?
Let us know something about The Fur Trade!^&^

What the picture talk about?
[Woman in a fur coat being booed by leopards.]

The fur trade was one of the earliest and most important industries in North America. So, i think animals are closely releated to our life, the fur of animals could be made clothes, which are fashion. Also, it is good for us to keep warm. But, do you notice the leopard are angrying?? Poor animals..they have no choice.

Native Americans traded furs for supplies at places called trading posts.(See picture<3>)

The fur trading industry played a major role in the development of the United States and Canada for more than 300 years.

[Early Fur Trade]
The hunters or native peoples took the furs to the trading posts, and then the people in dark blue checked the furs and examine their values. After that, the hunters or native people will get some foods or others they wanted. That is the early fur trade. This is a simple way for living of peoples at that time, because they don't have any techniques to develop their economic, environment or others.

picture<2> from:

How can them got the animals furs?
Of course, the annimals are skinned!! >,<

Look at the picture<4>, the two lovely foxes were playing together. It looks like they enjoyed their life. But when they caught in a trap, and finally they were killed. They were skinned by the hunters or other peoples, their furs are separate from their body. The body became carcass, they dead. It is so scary and sickening...!!!! The animals are poor..just to make a coat.

Humans never let the animals off, even the dogs and cats...
Look at the picture<6>, the lovely dog(i still wanna say it is lovely though i am afraid of dogs..) keep opening its dark black eyes, we could know that it is afraid of the approaching of death, but he can not change that!!! It is caged with other dogs.. Then the workers took the cages.(See picture<7>). You can image how the workers kill the dogs and cats. Eventually, the animals became the coats.....(See picture <8>).




A lot of people want the coat made by the animal fur, but animals are our friends. Actually, human is animal, too. How can we kill our friends???
Please Don't Support Animal Cruelty!

1 comment:

  1. The last picture got 1.5/3. You don't really explain as much as you do for the first few pictures.


    You really care about the animals. I am glad you learned about the problems of the fur trade for animals.
