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All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Samuel De Champlain - Port Royal

1. Why would Samuel De Champlain want to have a monopoly on the fur trade? Explain in 3-5 sentences. What does monopoly mean?
What is monopoly? Monopoly is the complete control of trade in particular goods. In other words, it is the supply of a particular service. Monopoly can help people get richer and richer and destroy all the competitors. That was what Samuel wanted to do. He wanted to have a monopoly on the fur trade, so that he could get money in an instant. From then on, he did not have any competitors to get his money.People who wanted furs had to listen to Samuel. He wanted control the whole fur market. Also, don't forget that Samuel wanted to set up French colonies in Canada. If he could have a monopoly on the fur trade, it was easier to control the area.

2. Why would the King want to set up French colonies in Canada? Explain in 3-5 sentences.
France is in Eu
rope, and it covers 547030 square kilometers. It has the largest area among European Union members and slightly larger than Spain. However, there are a lot of strong competitors of France, such as German, England and Spain. The King was searching to find a new way to strong his country. Just at that time, Champlain found Quebec, which was suitable for France to set up French colonies. If the King could set up a French colonies in Canada, he could transport some French to there, and use new land's cruel materials and vegetations. This is a good way to expand and strong France.

Champlain first attempted to create a small trading post called "Port Royal" in what is now Nova Scotia. It was not a great success because there was no business and the settlement was abandoned by 1607.

3. Can you find two pictures of Port Royal, Nova Scotia today on the Internet? What does it look like? Explain each picture in 5-8 sentences what you see.
picture from:www.sonofthesouth.net/leefoundat...
Port Royal was a trading post. In this quaint picture, it is extinct that the picture shows a port like a small town. There are some people along the river who are waiting for the coming ships with cargo of furs. Leaves of the trees are ballooning. The whole picture gives us a feeling of loneliness, it means the Port Royal just had little businesses.

picture from:www.hickerphoto.com/port-royal-n...
When the settlement was abandoned in 1607, some settlers were permitted to stay if they agreed not to work on the fur trade. They became highly skilled farmers and would form the colony of Acadia (as we have learned before).

This picture shows the buildings of Port Royal. There are a lot of rows of buildings. Each row consists of three to four small houses. I have to say that, these houses are quaint! Until today, these house are still not out of style. Therefore, the authority really pay so much attention on develop the Port Royal. Though the settlement was abandoned by 1607, the amazing buildings were retained.


1. Find 2 pictures of Nova Scotia you like. Explain why you like each of these pictures in 3-5 sentences.
picture from:articles.privateislandsonline.co...

Nova Scotia has abundant nature materials. Such as this picture, it has a lot of gigantic green lands. They are such fascinating green, let us feel the strength of nature.

picture from:nature.wallpaperme.com/Nature-Ar...

A long long ago, Nova Scotia was a wilderness. It was developing into a modern province like others, such as building skyscrapers, neon lights, and luxury ships. Nova Scotia is becoming a attractive travel spot. Nightfall, is the most beautiful time of a city. People are keeping away from the troubles of the day and preparing for the night life.

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